Friday, February 20, 2015

Playing in the Facebook Sandbox

Powerful Facebook Apps For your

I'd figure I would sum up all of the App's I've developed in the Facebook Developer's Sandbox which include Powerful Facebook Apps For your Job Search (or Whatever you are looking for) & More via Facebook!!!

The first order of Developement on Facebook is building on Secure Pages or if Building your own Website securing it with SSL (Secure Socket Layers) (the little pad lock in the upper left just before your web address followed by "https". 

Look for our Logo Favicon (Hands holding the Whole World)

Click on Links below:

Review our Web Services (Websites, Domain Names, Email Marketing, SEO, SSL & More) directly on Facebook.

Review an Awesome Technology Training Database with over 23,000 FREE Course directly on Facebook.(Search in Top Far Right for your course. Any with a link is Free to View)

Review our Awesome Web Reseller Services  where y
ou are in control of retail pricing and customization of your site, directly on Facebook.

Review our Amazon Store on Affiliate Marketing  with Hard Cover Books, Kindle Books, On Demand Video and DVD's directly on Facebook.

Review our Amazon Store onr General Products (including our own) across numerous categories on Facebook.

Lastly, Review our Own Ministry Products (iTunes, Amazon and own Mobile App) viewable on Facebook.

As already mentioned, within Facebook some links within pages you may need to right mouse click and open in a new tab or window as every page such as My Amazon Authors Page, is not eCommerce Driven and thus an SSL Certificate is not needed. 

YouTube Video Playlist From Facebook Developers:


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Maximizing LinkedIn - The Business Network

Another Top Program Added to our Best Sellers. Excellent Video Intro from a person who has spent years using the Professional Site LinkedIn and offers some interesting Stats and a program on maximizing it to the fullest Pick Up This awesome product at here It's one of the Top Ten Best Sellers in our Ideas Database on Facebook at: LIKE US and click Go To App

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Your Contacts

Your contacts are crucial. Gather up all of your business card and put them in a Contact Database such as where you receive your email. Make sure this program allows you to export them whenever you need to.

Remember the days of the Palm Pilot? I started out then collecting. I moved those contacts to my then Blackberry service and onto other services I used.

There are some programs like, Google's Gmail that will automatically add contacts you communicate with via email.  When these same contacts are added to programs such as MS Outlook and GMail or Social Media sites like LinkedIn, you will also see pictures when available of your contacts.

Some programs will even let you group contacts together so you can have a Group of Friends vs Business Associates within your Contact list. If you are using Google, this contact list with work well with their Google Voice Program as well allowing you to even have specific Voicemail Greetings for certain contacts.

If you are not digitizing those business cards or even capturing your contacts, start today!

For an example of Contact Management with Gmail see the below video: